I'll Bring Bigfoot to Your Wedding | Kept Record Elopement Photography


do you believe in Bigfoot?

If you ask me why I chose to become a wedding photographer, I could give you a lot of answers. I chose to work for myself because I wanted to be in more creative and financial control of my life. I chose to become a photographer because I am amazed that the combination of electricity, metal, plastic and glass can seemingly stop time. But why I became a wedding photographer? That takes a little more explaining. 

Yes - those first two answers are still true, but I don’t feel the same way about photographing corporate events or birthday parties as I do weddings. 

Hey! If you’re new here, let me introduce myself: I’m Morgan Pirkle, the owner + lead photographer at Kept Record. I photograph intimate weddings and elopements for couples seeking a DARING + DIFFERENT wedding experience.

Hey! If you’re new here, let me introduce myself: I’m Morgan Pirkle, the owner + lead photographer at Kept Record. I photograph intimate weddings and elopements for couples seeking a DARING + DIFFERENT wedding experience.


To dive in a little deeper, I have to ask you a question... Do you believe in Bigfoot? 


I’ve never actually gone out to look for Bigfoot, but I can’t think of a better metaphor for how I feel about wedding photography.

The people who are looking for Bigfoot are REALLY into looking for Bigfoot, and that’s the way I feel about my work. Except instead of a big, hairy, maybe-mythical creature, I spend the entire day behind a camera chasing the elusive, intangible inner feelings that you feel for your partner. And y’all - I am obsessed with the chase.

Trust me - this goal is not clean cut. It IS blurry, just like Bigfoot. When I look for that special something, it’s fleeting, like a lightning-fast squeeze of hands after your first look, or the look in your partners’ eyes when they see you - really see you - entirely as you are, imperfect and flawed, fully known and endlessly loved.

These little moments are what I call the Bigfoot Factor.

And why does the Bigfoot Factor matter so damn much? Why am I obsessed with the chase?

Because the world can be a little scary + dark, and (maybe selfishly) I want to see more love in the world. I believe most of us go through life living miles and miles within boundaries we’ve spent years learning. We’re taught to be less sensitive, less vulnerable, and to not care so much. Allowing yourself to actually FEEL what you want to feel is almost radical. Wild. Raw. Exposed.

As someone who’s spent their entire life being called “oversensitive,” let me tell you - having thick skin is NOT my strong suit. I wear my emotions on my sleeve! But on a wedding day, I get to use the one thing I spent the first 25 years of my life thinking was “wrong” with me for GOOD.

I don’t just create photos that show the Bigfoot Factor - I help my clients infuse Bigfoot Factor moments throughout their day, creating space for vulnerability and fostering connection at every chance. THEN I get to use the electricity and the metal and the glass to stop time. All of this, because I want to see more love in the world.

Like Bigfoot, not everybody believes in love. I know we can’t see feelings - they’re elusive, intangible, and straight up blurry… but I’m damn sure going to spend the rest of my photography career trying to. 

Ready for Bigfoot Factor moments of your own? fill out this form to set up a 100% free discovery call!

Not quite ready to chat just yet?

Grab a complimentary Elopement Planning Starter Kit + get started planning your elopement day here!